So, after my last washing, I started up with No-Poo.
Today is Day 4 again. Instead of giving into my old ways and washing with shampoo, I gave the whole baking soda scrub followed by vinegar rinse thing a try.
Here are the results:
Did it work? Why, yes, it did.
In a small plastic container, I mixed 1 cup water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda (as directed by the no-poo community). Put a lid on it, shook it up really well. Then, I poured it bit by bit onto my head, working it into my scalp and neck nape as well as I could. The baking soda really did cut down the grease significantly. But rinsing with vinegar is a MUST. My hair felt so terrible after the baking soda. It immediately tangled up and felt coarse. As soon as the vinegar touched it -- happiness. Silky, smooth, detangled. Amazing!
The chemistry behind this: baking soda is basic (meaning, on the pH scale, it has a pH value greater than 7. Seven is neutral). Vinegar is acidic (meaning its pH is less than 7). If you mix an acid with a base, it will neutralize into two byproducts: salt and water. And that, my friends, is why you rinse with vinegar -- to neutralize the baking soda. Make sense? I hope so.
*Chemistry buffs, correct me if I'm wrong
I finished with a teensy bit of Herbal Essences conditioner, just to rid myself of the vinegar smell.
Then, I blow-dried it, and my hair did something very strange. The top half got very curly, while the bottom half went straight! Huh? Not sure why.
So, I did use a flat-iron to wave out the straight parts. And the above picture is the finished product.
Since the baking soda/vinegar thing worked out for me, I feel empowered! I can do this no-poo thing. I'll keep you all up to speed (although I don't feel the need to post a daily picture anymore). I can do it!
I'm almost persuaded to try it. So, just stop using shampoo and conditioner? If it gets gross, use baking soda and vinegar, that's it? Is there anything else I need to know? I can totally dig not having to wash my hair. Or buy shampoo! Awesome. And my kids will DEFINITELY dig it.