Monday, April 4, 2011

So ...

... I might have a tiny, embarrassing crush on a CG animation.


Seriously, Disney. Job well done. Though I must admit, Flynn's cuteness was slightly distracting.

If you haven't seen Tangled, get on it! Simple, straightforward plot, plenty of visual eye candy (and not just of the handsome protagonist variety) and fun, singable score.

Oh, and this little guy wasn't too bad on the eyes, either.

Seen any other great movies lately?


  1. LOVE Tangled! It's the first movie in quite a long time that I saw in the theater and immediately vowed to purchase it. Got my copy over the weekend :).

  2. He looks disconcertingly like an old beau, who I happened to see recently right before watching said show. It was eerie, and a little uncomfortable. LOL. But yes, he is very easy on the eyes.

  3. We LOVE Flynn here at the White house!!!

  4. love the independent princess and crazy stepmother too.

  5. I have an ex bf who looks exactly like that guy so it made the character slightly less likable to me! which is foolish. lol my mom was disappointed when we broke up. have you seen the scene in she's the man when amanda bynes tells her mom she broke up w/her bf? it was a lot like that hahaha

  6. Oh thank heavens! I thought I was the only one to be crushing on Flynn/Eugene! It's nice to know that I am not completely crazy! And yes-it is a wonderful movie. Might possibly be my favorite Disney?

  7. I told you it was good! saw it twice with J in theaters and bout it the day it came out. Gonna watch it a 4th time tomorrow with a friend! :)

  8. Haha so glad to know I wasn't the only one who harbored feelings for Flynn ;)


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