Tuesday, September 27, 2011

She's a baby genius.

A few months ago, Dill and I went on a date to Target (we do that sometimes) and as is customary, we casually perused the $1 Spot. You know, the section at the front that is mostly junk and dog toys but it's just SO CHEAP you can't say no? We're such Americans.

Anyway, one of the things we encountered were these flashcards of a bunch of international landmarks. Knowing how impressive Bubby's memory is,  Dill considered them a worthwhile investment. He thought it would be HILARIOUS if our 3-year-old could identify such worldwide wonders as the Taj Mahal, Mount Rushmore and Machu Picchu.

Turns out he was right: it's a total gas! See for yourself.


  1. I always get suckered by the cheap stuff near the register (ulta, TJmaxx, etc...)

    You are so cute, and your family is lovely! Thanks for the comments too, they always make my day :)

  2. Am I not feeding my kids enough spinach? LOL Audrey is so smart!

  3. I'm pretty sure she is smarter than me.

  4. I want my baby to wear smarty-pants like yours does...

    She's amazing!

  5. "Olllld Faithhhhfulllll!" That was rad. So cute, that one.
    So was she born with a memory like that???

  6. Seriously, what an amazing child! I would say that the money spent was worth it. I also get stuck in that area!!

  7. shut. up. your kid is a GENIUS! she has the most amazing memory. she's gonna be president some day, that one.

    i'm seriously impressed. i got about 95% but she TOTALLY got me on st. peter's basilica.

  8. Wow... that seriously was amazing! Way to go Bubby!

  9. I think you should reward her by taking her to see all those landmarks. And I am volunteering to be your guide! She's a doll...

  10. what a smart girl! Boy does she ever look like you!

  11. Holy cow! Good job Bubby! And good job to her parents for teaching her!

  12. I only love this - nice work team!

  13. Oh my gosh!! Bubby is so smart! Is that video on YouTube? It would get a million hits!

  14. How smart she is! And so adorable too!


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