Monday, February 24, 2014

I'm having another little girl!

Today, I am 31 weeks pregnant with my third baby. The past few weeks have brought on some unwelcome pains and aches which I have done my best to avoid, but alas ... late pregnancy always gets the best of me. In other words, I would not consider being pregnant a talent of mine.

I'm trying to focus on the happy aspects of life to get me through the next nine weeks (uh, does that feel incredibly long to anyone else?! Yikes). The first one being I'm going to have another little girl! It's been ages since my last little lass was born, so I'm trying to remember everything fun about it. The best way is to dig up old pictures of my sweet cherub, Audrey. These memories seem like a lifetime ago!

Let's all agree she was the PRETTIEST newborn!

And so photogenic.

I was obsessed with taking pictures of my little beauty and she obliged like a champ.

She even wore silly hats and laughed about it!

She ADORED (and still adores) her daddy.

She had the best cheeks of any baby around.

She wasn't afraid of haute couture.

Once she finally had enough hair, she let us style it so cutely.

She was a little doll!

And it's always fun to have a mini-me.

Now I just need to get the nursery set up and prepare the baby girl clothes for (still-nameless) Baby. Bring on the pink!


  1. i know!! these weeks are taking FOREVER! 7 weeks left for me and it feels like eternity. I'm sure having to come into the office for the next 5 isnt doing much for my mood either. ;) Still nameless?? Have you narrowed down your list any?

    1. Oh yeah, going to work every day would stink! I already dread when I have to teach a lesson in the afternoon. I'm so tired by the time my students show up.

      We have narrowed it down to about five names ... we'll probably just choose one when she's born!

  2. Such a little beauty!! I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable :( I totally understand. I don't ever have serious complications during pregnancy and my biggest problem is my back pain and discomfort. That being said, I honestly hate that part about being pregnant!! Hang in there! Your beautiful baby girl will be here so soon!! :D it's so exciting!!!


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